Lead Generation

Transcend Conventional Lead Gen: Unlock Dynamic Growth With Custom Tools and Targeted Strategies

Enterprise Dominator

1680 $ /Month
  • Personalized Marketing Strategy
  • Access to a curated database with 1,000 leads in your target industry.
  • well-targeted advertising campaign on meta business, Google ads and linkedin
  • Basic segmentation for more targeted outreach.
  • Email Campaign Starter Kit
  • 50 weekly calls

Enterprise Dominator

2590 $ /Month
  • Personalized Marketing Strategy
  • Access to a curated database with 5000 leads in your target industry.
  • well-targeted advertising campaign on meta business, Google ads and linkedin
  • Basic segmentation for more targeted outreach.
  • Email Campaign Starter Kit
  • 100 weekly calls

Enterprise Dominator

  • Personalized Marketing Strategy
  • Access to a curated database with 10,000 leads in your target industry.
  • well-targeted advertising campaign on meta business, Google ads and linkedin
  • Basic segmentation for more targeted outreach.
  • Email Campaign Starter Kit
  • 200 weekly calls

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Social Media

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